The cold didn’t have a chance in February thanks to some generous in-kind donations from our local partners.

Mainstream Electric stepped up with a badly needed hot water heater at no cost for Lisa, a single Spokane mom and her kids, as part of a new SNAP/Mainstream collaboration called “Miracle from Mainstream.”

“The hot water tank was truly a blessing for us,” said Lisa. “Our old hot water tank started leaking and we had to put three buckets out to collect the water and empty daily. I didn’t know what to do. I was worried that the tank was going to break and flood the downstairs.”

Elaine Damschen, president of Mainstream Electric, said the donation and the new program align with the company’s values

“Mainstream’s mission statement is: ‘Through improving others’ lives, we enrich our own!’” Elaine said.  “And there is nothing more fulfilling than giving back to someone in need in the very community in which we serve. Living is in the giving!”

When a late gust of winter weather in early February layered the Inland Northwest in snow and ice, the demand at SNAP’s Homeless Services office for coats and other warm weather gear ramped up. At one point, only a few boxes of socks were left for clients in need at the Second and Wall site.

After SNAP’s Communication and Development team reached out to several local churches, the supply was replenished quickly. A representative of Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist brought by some donated coats and Pilgrim Slavic Baptist Church, located just to the west of the Homeless Services office, stepped up with nearly 20 Hefty bags full of coats and clothing.

“I just told our congregation about the need,” said Pastor Vladimir Kronin. “People just started bringing everything they could.”

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Just a friendly reminder to SNAP supporters who may also be part of Thrivent Financial – SNAP is an eligible organization for the Thrivent Choice Dollars program. Click HERE to find out more —