Six Locations, One Phone Number:

(509) 456-SNAP


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Register for a Workshop

SNAP Whistalks Way
3102 W. Whistalks Way
Spokane, WA 99224
Phone: (509) 456-SNAP (7627)
Fax: (509) 534-5874

Hours of operation:
M-F: 8:00-4:30 (closed between 12-1 pm)

Services Provided: Mission Support, Long-Term Care Ombudsman, Communications & Fundraising, Information Technology, Human Resources, Volunteering, Outreach, Accounting, Tax Assistance

SNAP East (Fifth & Stone: inside Martin Luther King Jr. Family Outreach Center)
500 S. Stone
Spokane, WA 99202
Phone: (509) 456-SNAP (7627)
Fax: (509) 456-7159

Hours of operation:
M/T/W/F:  8:00-4:30 (closed between 12-1 pm)
TH: 10:30-4:30 (closed between 12-1 pm)

SNAP Northeast (inside the Northeast Community Center)
4001 N. Cook
Spokane, WA 99207
Phone: (509) 456-SNAP (7627)
Fax: (509) 462-8028 Hours of operation:
M/T/W/F: 8:00 – 4:30 (closed between 12-1 pm)
TH: 10:30-4:30 (closed between 12-1 pm)

Services Provided: Energy Assistance

SNAP Armory
212 W. Second
Spokane, WA  99201
Phone: (509) 456-SNAP (7627)
Fax: (509) 744-3374

Hours of operation:
M/T/W/F: 8:00-4:30 (closed between 12-1 pm)
TH: 10:30-4:30 (closed between 12-1 pm)

SNAP Valley
10814 E. Broadway (Open seasonally)
Spokane, WA 99206
Phone: (509) 456-SNAP (7627)
Fax: (509) 926-1912

Hours of operation:
M/T/W/F: 8:00-4:30 (closed between 12-1 pm)
TH: 10:30-4:30 (closed between 12-1 pm)