When Teri Koski, the owner of Fix It Sister, faced a financial challenge, she turned to SNAP and the Women’s Business Center to take her business to the next level. […]
“That was the best thing I ever did, walking through the (WBC) door. My success began at the Women’s Business Center,” Nathaniel explained emotionally. “This is the first stop to […]
In search of the Washington Dream – A Move to Spokane Leads to SNAP
Jonathan moved to Spokane less than one year ago. He was looking for opportunity and options that were not available to him and his daughter in San Diego – the […]
Coming Up Roses: A Client’s Journey to Overcome Barriers with Help of SNAP Financial Access
Coming Up Roses: A Client’s Journey to Overcome Barriers with Help of SNAP Financial Access Rose came to SNAP Financial Access (SFA) at a time when she was facing the […]
A New Voice and a New Role: Inside SNAP Financial Access
A New Voice and a New Role: Inside SNAP Financial Access “I love actually getting to have client meetings,” says Amy Biviano, SNAP Financial Access’s new Small Business Coordinator. She […]
Campaign supports local business and feeds over 100 with Cuisine for Clients program
Campaign supports local business and feeds over 100 with Cuisine for Clients program Our year-end campaign came with a promise: To dedicate a portion of our proceeds to our Cuisine […]
SNAP Helps Small Business Owners

SNAP HELPS SMALL BUSINESS OWNERS Coronavirus has caused many to change plans and quickly adapt to the changing landscape. SNAP and its subsidiary SNAP Financial Access (SFA) held a virtual […]
Cuisine for Clients Nourishes Local Businesses, Residents
Cuisine for Clients nourishes local businesses, residents On a bright, blustery day this week, Cochinito Taqueria made a house call. The popular restaurant, which opened just over two years ago […]
Array of SNAP Services Helps Single Mom Live, Learn, and THRIVE
Array of SNAP services helps single mom live learn, and THRIVE Back when Desire (pronounced Des-er-ay) first found out about SNAP, she had no idea where the journey would take […]
Where are they now? Former client thriving with local business
Where are they now? Former client thriving with local business In 2014, we shared part of Sarah’s story with our donors, as Sarah was a relatively new small business owner, […]