Justina didn’t want to face the uncertainty of losing her housing, quitting her college courses, and heading back to life on the reservation, where her options were limited. SNAP offered her a beacon of hope, and she was able to secure her housing and continue her studies. Next year, the mother of three will earn her Master’s Degree.
A former small business owner, Paula lost her home to foreclosure after her husband died, eventually ending up homeless. After a year on the streets, SNAP helped Paula open a door to safe and affordable housing, and closed the door on her darkest days.
Madonna, a 94-year old widow relied on tenuous support from a lightweight walker to get her down the stairs of her mobile unit. A wheelchair ramp commissioned by SNAP makes opening her door safer, and Madonna can continue to take part in her neighborhood outside her home.
When Ted’s furnace broke, a concerned neighbor connected him with SNAP. Ted, a retired veteran, lived on a small fixed income and had already forgone luxuries to stay within budget. SNAP replaced Ted’s furnace to allow him to stay in his home for his remaining days.