When it comes to the impact of SNAP Homeless Services in 2017, the numbers speak for themselves: 448 households transitioned from homelessness to permanent housing; a total of 1,909 assessments […]
Well attended documentary screening brings the difficulty our neighbors face to light
We were overwhelmed to welcome over 160 people for a public screening of “A Walk Through Poverty” at the Downtown Spokane Public Library on January 25th. “A Walk Through Poverty” […]
SNAP committee members impacted by homeless walking tour
On a brisk, overcast day last fall, a walk through downtown Spokane shed light on the plight of the homeless for members of SNAP’s Communication and Development Committee. The homeless […]
For the first time, he doesn’t have to worry about having a roof over his head
Miguel knew things were going wrong when he couldn’t stay awake in his high school Spanish class. In reality, the Spokane native had realized much earlier that his life wasn’t […]
Funding support critical to homeless services success
The idea of document recording fees supporting homeless services may not mean much to Paul, a single father of four – but the fact that he and his kids found […]
From the streets to secure – Spokane man transitions out of homelessness
There was a time when Danny didn’t concern himself with window smudges. When you’re homeless, there are generally more pressing issues – like food, shelter and avoiding the kind of […]
SNAP home opens doors of opportunity for family
It’s been a decade since Michael and his five children moved into the Riverwalk complex owned by SNAP in northeast Spokane. At the time of the transition, the family knew […]
Taking it to the people
Cara Weipert understands that potential is not defined by city limits. As a business development counselor with SNAP Financial Access, Cara makes it a point to visit outlying areas in Spokane […]