Thank you for considering SNAP in your legacy planning. We know that planning for the future of your estate is not something to take lightly. That’s why we want to help you pair your passion with an avenue to strengthen Spokane’s neighborhoods for years to come.
We know that legacy planning isn’t easy. In order to help more neighbors, we’ve partnered with FreeWill to make it simpler than ever to create your legal will, and start your legacy. Although this tool makes it simple to add SNAP as a beneficiary in your will, we are providing this tool for you whether you include us in your plans or not! . Click below to create your legal will and legacy gift in just 20 minutes for free.
Planned Giving Stories
Learn why four neighbors planned to give part of their legacy to SNAP.
A bequest is a gift from your estate—a transfer of cash, securities, or other property made through your estate plans. Our partnership with FreeWill makes it simpler than ever to create your legal will, and start your legacy with SNAP in the process. Click below to create your legal will and legacy gift in just 20 minutes for free.
Remembering SNAP with a bequest from your estate will help sustain and strengthen the SNAP’s impact on the community in years to come.
Outside Bequest
Have you included a gift in your will or trust to Spokane Neighborhood Action Partners?
Please take a minute to fill out this form so we can thank you for your lasting commitment to our work, and ensure our records are up-to-date!
Plan for all of your assets
Did you know you may have additional assets not covered in your will or trust? If you have an IRA, 401(k), life insurance policy, or any additional accounts, these are called “non-probate assets” and they need to be planned for separately.
Using the online tool linked below, you can log all of your assets, name Spokane Neighborhood Action Partners as beneficiary to strengthen the human potential of our community, and receive printable instructions on how to set each one up with your broker.
How to Make Your Wishes Known:
Would you like specific language on what to include to make your wishes known? SNAP offers information on language to include for a variety of legacy planning options.
Contact SNAP’s Legacy Manager, Mariah McConnaughey, at mcconnaughey@snapwa.org, or 509-319-3012 if you have any questions.