Various energy assistance programs are designed to help eligible households ease the financial impact of a portion of heating costs. Funding is limited, which means not all qualified households will receive assistance.


  • Make heating your home more affordable
  • Maintain a warm and safe home
  • Assist with other utility needs as programs and funding allows

Energy assistance comes in the form of a few different programs. Learn more about these programs below. Because different programs have different eligibility requirements, we encourage you to review which/if any programs you may qualify for to help maximize the help you may receive:




Energy/Heating Assistance

For those who live in Spokane County

Income is between 0 and 150% FPL

Available once per heating season (October 1 – September 30)

By appointment only. Appointments open the THIRD TUESDAY of each month. To make an appointment:

1) Visit THIS webpage
2) Call 509-242-2376

Emergency Energy Assistance (Project Share)

For those who live in Spokane County

Not available for Vera or City of Cheney households

No income restrictions

Hardship, such as past due balance, shut off, or inability to pay

Available once per heating season (October 1 – September 30)

Call SNAP for an Emergency Share appointment: 509-456-SNAP

Avista Emergency Assistance – LIRAP Share

Spokane County Household

Avista Customers Only

No income restrictions

Hardship, such as past due balance, shut off, or inability to pay

Available once per season (October 1 – September 30)

Call SNAP for an Emergency Share appointment: 509-456-SNAP

Avista My Energy Discount WA

Spokane County Household

Avista Customers Only

0-200% FPL or 80% AMI

Learn more from Avista HERE

Call SNAP 509-456-SNAP or Avista: TDB

Avista Arrearage Management

Spokane County Household

Avista Customers Only

Income is between 51% and 200% FPL

Must have a past-due balance and have exhausted all other forms of assistance

Call SNAP for a referral: 509-456-SNAP

Free Wood Program
In partnership with Airway Heights Correctional Center

For those who live in Spokane County

Income is up to or below 150% FPL

Call SNAP for a referral: 509-456-SNAP

As wood remains available

Other Emergency Services:

Furnace Repair

Spokane County households

Call SNAP for a referral: 509-456-SNAP

Air Cooling/Purification

Spokane County households

Between 0 and 150% FPL

MUST also have an approved Energy Assistance heat grant in the current season

Renters AND owners eligible

Call SNAP for a referral: 509-456-SNAP

Have you already received Energy Assistance and are experiencing hardship? Please contact SNAP. Resources and referrals may be available:

Contact us below:


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Preparing for energy assistance:
You must reside within Spokane County. Grants are dependent on funding currently available.

  • A guide to gathering documents for your upcoming appointment. If possible, try to prepare as many of the following documents as possible:
    • Proof of address. EX: A current utility bill.
    • One month of household income for all members 18+. EX: Pay stubs, child support, SSI, SSA, SSD, TANF, retirement, unemployment, self-employment, etc.
    • Other documentation may be requested

We encourage you to continue working with your heating company to keep current on payments. As possible, keep them informed of the steps you are taking to get current.