Thank you to our generous donors for supporting SNAP’s efforts throughout 2021. In addition to the donors listed below, we were privileged to receive 93 anonymous donations as well.

All of these individuals, businesses, churches, and foundations are neighbors by our side.

Donors A – I

Christine Abou-Harb

L. George Abrams

Steve Adams

Ellen Adams

Vicky Adams

Ellie and Earl Adolphson

Carol Albietz

Kathleen Aleman

Blake Alford

Cindy Algeo

Dana Algeo-Nichols

Leah Altimore

Kim and Mary Kay Anderson

Christie Anderson

Mark Anderson

Dennis Anderson

Lynn Anderson

Steven G Anderson

Kay Anderson

Donna M Kimball

Andrew Antles

Debbie Arbuckle

Deidre Arnold

Terrie Ashby-Scott

Wayne Attwood

Heidi Austin

Lt. Col and Mrs Robert E. Auvil

Anne Marie Axworthy

Carnette Ball

Jesse Bank

Annette and Barry Barfield

Laura Barkema

J. Stephen Barratt

Bridget Barrington

Maureen Basinger

Madilyn Bates

Carl D Batten

Mallory Battista

Lynne Baum

Carole Baumgartner

Timothy and Judith Beamer

Delsey Bech

Robin Bedilion

Pamela Behring and Michael


Anna Belinski

Ann B. Bell

Jeffrey Bell

Margaret Belote

Eric Benson

Kathleen Bentley

Hillary Berg

Jenny Bernard

Nancy Biggerstaff

Andy Billig

Thomas Bisenius

Nicole Bishop

Marisa Blackshire

Ron Blair

Kristianne Blake

Rachel Blanton

Bradley Bleck

Reanette Boese

Lorna Bogarosh

Richard Bonino

Brandan Borgias

Roberta Bottelli

Kerri Boyd

Kandy Brandt

Chris Brandvold

Bette Brattebo

John Breneman

Kay Brightman

Robin Brncick

Janelle Brooke

Michele Brooks

Skylar Brower

William Brown

Judith Brown

Catherine Bryan

Matt Burrows

Rita Bursell

Trish Buzan

Karen Byrne

Patricia Cackowski

Ken Cadwell

Bruce Calkins

Jennifer Calvert

Ryan Camp

Karen Campbell

Patricia Campbell

Joanne Candelaria

Ann Carey

Lisa Cargill

Michelle Carkeek

Judy Carlacio

Greta Carlson

Jean Carrier

Ely Carter

Addison Cavanaugh

Landie Chappell

Roger Chase

Pat Chase

Alexander Chernikov

Ashley Childs

Gregory L. Chipps

Kelsey Christensen

Cynthia Cilyo

Ellen Clark

Chelsea Clark-Rodriguez

Diana Cochran

Renee Coelho

Shelly Colomb

William Conable

Colleen Connors

Jason Cook

Rebecca Cook

Mark and Jackie Coomes

Haley Cooper-Scott

Diane Cortner

Michelle Countryman

Laura Creel

David Crimps

Rob Crow

Susan Crowe

Ken Cruz

Susan Cunningham

Cris Currie

Pam Currier

Chantal Czarapata

Steven L Daley

Vicky Dalton

Nathan Damiano

Chris Davis and Shannon Myers

Stuart Davis

Jeremy A. Day

Virgil Dedas

Carlos Delgadillo

Marianne DeMarco

Bruce Dentler

Pamela DeRusha

Kiley Dhatt

Megan Dimeling

Catherine Dixon

Lee Dominey

Sheila Domon

Brian Donovan

Marcia Dorwin

Ron Doyen

Chris Drake

Sally Duffy

Dean Duncan

Lou Dunham

Joan Durkoop

Doris Dyer

Cami Eakins

Darin and Stacie Eckert

Sharon Eckert

Jayne Edens

Shauna Edwards

Vicki Egesdal

Julie Eggleston

Mike and Gayle Ekins

Marsha Ellefson

Peggy Elmer

Dean Emanuels

Christine Eslick

Ceanne Leslie Evans

Megan Fadeley

Jim and Joleen Falkner

Chris and Amy Famini

Travis Farland

Patricia (Pat) Farrell

Michael Farrell

Albert Fein

Joe Felice

Simon Ffitch

Craig Fischer

Michael Flannery and Dean Lynch

Nick Flett

Cameryn Flynn

Joan Forni

Sharon Forsyth

Aaron Fosback

Brian and Susan Foster-Dow

Maia Fox

Steve Franz

Candace Frasher

Marjorie French

Mary Fruchter

Greg and Mary O Fury

Maryanne Gaddy

Nikki Gamon

Carly Gannon

Judith Gardner

Brad Gassman

Ron Gaunt

Ric Gaunt

Madeleine Geraghty

Robert Gersh

Mike and Rita Gibson

David Gortner

Bill and Pam Gothmann

Michelle Grafos

Susan Grant

Barbara Grant

Richard Grant

Leigh Graves

Laurie Ann Greenberg

Karla Greer

Annette Gregory

Devon Greyerbiehl

Carmen Groom

Joe Groves

Kylene Grub

Nanette Guerry

Bart and Lindell Haggin

Bruce Hagstrom

Bob Hahn

Mary Joan Hahn

Andy Hail

Sheri Hale

Margaret Hall

Michelle Hammel

Kathleen Haney

Tyrone Harney

Dave and Sally Harris

Donna Harris

Phil Harrison

Karen Harwood

Carol Hathaway

Joanie Hathaway

Carol Haugen

Steve Hauschild

Ted and Kathy Hay

Karen Heaps

Matt Hedman

Raju Hegde

Ursula Hegi

Judith Heid

Melanie Heinz

Maya Heissenbuttel

Margaret Heitzmann

Steve and Theresa Helmbrecht

John Hemmingson

Brian Henning

Ted S. Hensold

Tom Herrmann

Phil and Jackie High-Edward

Kenneth and Mickey Hill

Kathy Hill

Samantha Hilton

Dave Himebaugh

Elizabeth Hively

Michele Holbrook

Mike-Santos Holliday

Jeff Holy

Julie Honekamp

Erina Horikawa

Chuck and Jenifer Hormel

Greg Hotchkiss

Bruce Howard

John Hubbard

Rachelle Humphrey

Kirk Hutchinson

Donors L – R

Tim and Priscilla Ice

Debbie Inglehart

Paddy Inman

Ken Isserlis

Erin Jacobson

Joan Jamison

Golie Jansen

Jana Jaraysi

Rachel Jaten

Madelyn Jensne

Chad Johns

Amber Johnson

John H. Johnson

Fran Johnson

Ann Jones

Chelsea Jones

Jesse Jones

Sabrina Jones-Schroeder

Ashley Jonez

Vicki Jorgens

Julia Jose

Erin Jouliot

Ren Julyan

Rebecca Kahl

Shari Kain

Anastasia Karson

Laura Kaschmitter

Mike Keegan

Barbara Kehr

Kathleen Keller

Jonathon Kemper

Jill Kennedy

Christi Kile

Rebecca Kinney

Evelyn L Kirkevold

Joshua Kistner

Patricia Kloetsch

Kenneth Kortness

Patrick Kraft

Rebecca Krauter

Shelly Kuney

Christine Kusske

Tyler and Kelly Lafferty

Karen Laflamme

James Lake

Franci Lamb

Stephanie Lambert

Stephen Lamp

Catherine Larsen

Craig Lee

Mary Lenox

M. A. Leonard

Lucy and Larry Lepinski

Lucas Lepinski

Brett Lewis

Elizabeth Lochte

Jeff Logan

Connie Loomer

Michael Lopez

Kevin Lorentzen

Janice Loux

Samantha Lowderback

Jon Luciani

Kathryn Lund

Kenneth Lutz

Megan Mackenzie

Judy Madden

Kim Mangles

Charles Marsh

Jennifer Martin

Brooks Martner

Chiere Martyn

Sheila Masteller

Ana Matthews

Kelsie Mauer

Mark and Chris McCabe

Rob McCann

Peggy McCartney

Lynn McClatchey

Jo Ann McCleary

Mariah McConnaughey and Jonathan Myers

Elizabeth McConnaughey

Mary Ann McCurdy

Dan McDowell

Scott McGann

David McGann

J E McHugh

Steve McIntosh

Pete and Sally McKen

Megan A McLean

Susan McLuen

Antoinette McNeill

Allison McNeill

Kris McNevin

Jackie McWilliams

Connie Meyer

Larry Meyers

Florence Mikkelsen

Patricia Millen, OSF

Trudy Miller

Lory Miller

Terri and Vanessa Mills

Dina Minchey

Victoria Mithoug

Mike and Mary Moloney

Carly Moore

Ronda Moorhead

Eleyse Morgan

Cynthia Morris

Dylan Morrison

Sean Moser

Leisa Moss

Linda Moulder

Conor Muirhead

Daria Muirhead

James Muirhead

Bill Mulvihill

Sara E. Munro

Mary and Bill Murphy

Mark Murphy

Bob Murphy

Nicole Musso

Jeff and Eileen Nave

Kent Nedderman

Jamie Neely

Jane Nelson

Victoria Nevin

Frank L. Newman

Scott Nichols

Janis Nicholson

Dottie Nixon

Marya Nowakowski

Randi O’Brien

Joni Omans

Timm Ormsby

Mike Ormsby

Douglas Orr

William Osebold

Beverly Parker

Anne Parsons

Karl Patchin

Elizabeth Patterson

Ryan Patterson

Arlene Patton

Christian Paulsen

Steve Peck

Bob Peeler

Nancy Pemberton

Kara Perritt

Ann Phillips

Sally Phillips

Donna Pickens

Debbie Pierce

Heidi Pierce

Ellen Pierce

DeeDee Pike

Meghan Pinch

Esteban Pineda Montes

Kevin Pirch

Kristi Plaster

Charisse Pope

Kirstin Pospisil

Katherine Potter

Ashley Potter

Alison Poulsen

Bill Prouty

Mary Quinn-Hurst

Meaghan Rasmussen

Drew Redman

Debbie Reeder

Christine Rehwald

Joe Reilly

Edie Rice-Sauer

Shirley Richard

John Richards

Lois Richards

Barb Richey

Barbara Rielly

Elizabeth L. Ries

Rodney Riffel

Aaron Riley

Kevin Riordan

Angela Rios

Leonard Rison, Jr.

Talesha Roberson

Rae Anne Roberts

Allyson Roberts

Marty Robinette

Cheryl Rohrig

Terren Roloff

Brienne Roloff-Chiang

Larry Roscoe

Gerald Rosen

Megan Rowe

Kathleen (Kay) D Rowley

Alison Rude

Donors S – Z

Barbara Safranek

Florence Samels

Jeri Sampson

Donald Santos

Bart Sarat

Scott W Satake

Dawn Sayers

Dawn and Tom Schaaf

Robert and Wendy Schatz

Holly Schell

Michael Schneider

Judith A Schoepflin

Casie Schuller

LaDonna Schuster

Megan Schuyler Kennedy

Jacob Schwartz

Dylan Schwarz

Delores Schwindt

Paul J Secrest

Rob Selby

Pam Senske

Billie Marie Severtsen

Melora Sharts

Gleb Shenov

Jennifer Shirley

Virginia Shores

Jennifer Showalter

Doug Siddoway

Amy Sinisterra

Norman Sisson

Gerald Sittser

Deanna Skultety

Barbara Slaughter

James Slavicek

Jim Sledge

Jessica Sleight

Sharon Smith

Vicki Snider

John Speare

Patrick Sprute

Mary Stadtmueller

Jennifer Stalwick

Mary Stamp

Dorothy Stangler

Nancy Staub

Veronica Steele

Kim Margaret Stewart

Patricia Stifter

Bettie Stiritz

Mitchell Strasner

Karen Stratton

Kevin Strickland

Cathy Strohmaier

Lyn Swedberg

Rebecca Sweeney

Janet Swinton

Christine Taylor

Vanessa Taylor

Robert Teal

Amy Teel

Phyllis Thayer

Mary Townsend

Keith Townsend

Barbara Traynor

Eugenio Jose Trejo

Tom Tremaine and Sally Pritchard

Emily Tremaine

Laverne Truman

Lynda Tschabold

Matt Tully-Ruppert

Barb Umbdenstock

Veronica Van Auch

Judith Van Dongen

Dirk Vastrick

Jim Vernon

Jerry Vigil

Paul and Beth Viren

Barbara Wallace

David Ward

Stacey Ward

Jeff and Leslie Warner

Pat Warpenburg

Marcie Warren

Christine Weaver

Jay Webber

Richard and Carie Weeks

Peter Weller

Carol Weltz

Dave Werme

Corinne Werme

Mable West

Rebecca West

Mary Westerman

Levi Westra

Laurel Wheeler

Alison Wiener

Dustin Wiese

Jan Wigen

Bill and Danielle Witte

Rinda and Nick Wood

Kevin Wood

Grace Woodard

Jessie Workman

Don Worthy

Anne Wright

Anna Wyszynski

Shirene Young

Hershel Zellman

Diane Zemke

Tomie Zuchetto

Jenelle Zuchetto

Jesse Zumbro

Businesses, Churches, & Foundations

Air Control Heating and Air



Arby’s of Spokane


Banner Bank


Buder Memorial Donor-Advised Fund at Innovia Foundation

Camco Construction

Canopy Credit Union

Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist

Center for Solace

Children’s Choice Pediatric Dentistry

Clear Risk Solutions

CMC Tire

Coffman Engineers

Columbia Bank

Commonwealth Agency Inc

Community Health Plan of Washington

Divine’s Corporation

Edison & Associates

Eide Bailly LLP

Estates and Elders Law PLLC

Fairmount Memorial Association

Faith Bible Church

Faulding Fuel Fund at Innovia Foundation

Fidelity Charitable

First Interstate Bank

Fleet Feet

Fruci & Associates

Gesa Credit Union

George F. Jewett Foundation

Gonzaga University

Green Gables Photography

Greenstone Corp

Greer Enterprises

Hi 5 Orthodontics

Horizon Credit Union

Hotstart Manufacturing Inc.

Inland Construction & Development Co.

Inland Northwest Business Travel Association

Inland Power & Light

Innovia Foundation

Itron Community Investment

Josh 2415 LLC

JPMorgan Chase

Kaiser Aluminum Corporation

Kaiser Permanente

Lakeside Capital Group

Lifeline Insurance LLC

Mainstream Electric

McKinstry Charitable Foundation

Modern Electric Water Company

Molina Healthcare of WA

Mountain West Bank

Northern Lights Inc.

Northwest Orthopaedic Specialists

Numerica Credit Union

Pitney Bowes

Progressions Credit Union

Providence Health & Services

Reliable Credit Association, Inc.


Rogue Heart Media

Rosauers Supermarkets

Sisters of Providence – Charity Fund Account

Sisters of Providence – Mt. St. Joseph

Sisters of Providence – St Elizabeth Community

Spokane Alumnae Chapter of Alpha Iota

Spokane Association of Realtors

Spokane Tribe of Indians


Thai Bamboo Restaurants LLC

Thomas J. & Gail D. Stevenson Fund at Innovia Foundation

Umpqua Bank

Union Seniors Association – HOPE

Washington Federal Foundation

Washington Trust Bank

Wheatland Bank

Whitworth University


Yoke’s Fresh Markets

ZBA Architecture PS