1. ADVOCACY STATEMENT: We believe everyone deserves access to safe and affordable housing.


Local Affordable Housing Funding – 1590 – State and Local
Goal: Support State and City efforts to increase funding for affordable housing via local options and ensure funds are distributed in ways that address housing inequities and that the advisory council represents the community served by affordable housing.

Create a local land bank and/or land trust – Local
Goal: Support State and City efforts to increase funding for affordable housing via local options and ensure funds are distributed in ways that address housing inequities and that the advisory council represents the community served by affordable housing.

Secondary Issues

Long-Term Care Ombudsman – Federal and State
Goal: Support efforts to increase program funding to an equitable level.

Housing Trust Fund – Federal, State, and Local
Goal: Support efforts to pass budgets that positively impact Housing Trust Fund and other funding for affordable multi-family and homeownership opportunities and restructure the point system in a way that addresses inequities in housing.

Capital Budget – Weatherization – State
Goal: Support efforts to pass a capital budget which positively impacts Weatherization Energy Match Makers, Weatherization Plus Health, and the Rural Home Repair Program.

Prevailing Wage – State
Goal: Support efforts to correct the unintended consequences of prevailing wage legislation.

2. ADVOCACY STATEMENT: We believe everyone should have access to financial education and asset-building opportunities in order to strive toward their full potential.


MicroBusiness/Small Business – Federal, State, and Local
Goal: Educate the community and policymakers about the value of supporting self-employment efforts.

Increase Funding for Housing Counseling and Foreclosure Prevention Programming – Federal, State, and Local
Goal: Support efforts to increase funding for First Time Home Buyer Education and Housing Counseling and Foreclosure Prevention services in ways that address inequities in housing.


Consumer Protection – State and Federal
Goal: Protect seniors and low-income families from predatory lending practices (specifically online lenders) and fraudulent activities/scams by educating them about their rights and by educating lawmakers about the need to enforce Consumer Protection laws specifically during the pandemic and recovery period.

Women’s Business Center Legislation – Federal
Goal: -Support modernization of the WBC laws
-Support entrepreneurial education for justice-involved populations

Lack of Unrestricted Funding – Federal
Goal: Educate policymakers about the challenges of administrative policies and compliance requirements that make efficient operation of programs difficult and increase the administrative costs.

3. ADVOCACY STATEMENT: As a community action agency we believe in educating everyone about the issues and causes of poverty and empowering them to achieve solutions.


Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Disparities – Federal, State, and Local
Goal: Advance policies that will close the opportunity gap, and promote equitable outcomes in ways that promote social connectedness and dignity for disaffected populations by engaging with and walking beside them in advocating to lawmakers.

Clean Energy Transformation Act – State and Local
Goal: Participate in rulemaking and implementation of the Clean Energy Transformation Act and ensure the interests of disparately impacted populations are represented.

Pandemic Response and Recovery Supports – Federal, State, and Local
Goal: Advocate and support programs that assist in recovery from the pandemic such as but not limited to, rental/mortgage assistance, utility assistance, assistance for micro and small businesses, food security, long-term care, broadband access, and behavioral health services.

Fort Wright Street and Building Name Change – Local
Goal: Support efforts with the City to change the name of the Fort Wright street and work internally to change the building name.


Energy Assistance and Awareness – Federal, State, and Local
Goal: -Increase funding for low-income bill assistance, home improvements, and conservation education.
-Engage in activities that work to protect individuals with low incomes.
-Advocate for keeping energy assistance located at community action agencies so clients will have access to additional services.

Community Service Block Grant – Federal, State
Goal: Support the reauthorization of the Community Services Block Grant and support the continuation of the State CSBG allocation

Opportunity Technology – Federal, State, and Local
Goal: Support efforts that focus on eliminating the digital divide for individuals with low incomes and those in rural communities.

Funding Appropriations – Federal, State, and Local
Goal: Support efforts to obtain funding for SNAP programs and initiatives.

Food Security – State and Local
Goal: Support efforts and advocate for funding to improve connection to food for populations experiencing disparate impacts.