Thank you to all of our donors who help make SNAP’s mission possible.
Although we like to honor your commitment to SNAP with an in-person event to make you feel as special as you make us feel, COVID-19 has made us have to get a little creative. Instead, we are hosting four different forums to give our donors insight into SNAP programs via personalized discussions with program staff on Zoom.
Our first forum featured Arielle Anderson, who leads SNAP Homeless Services. In the video below, you can catch this forum on SNAP’s Homeless Services- even if you weren’t able to attend them meeting.
FORUM 2: Ride to Health/Energy
Our second forum featured Cameryn Flynn from SNAP’s Ride to Health program, and Carol Weltz, SNAP Director of Community Action. In the video below, you can catch this forum on Ride to Health and Energy/Utility Assistance.
FORUM 3: SNAP Financial Access
Our third forum featured SNAP Financial Access (SFA) Director, Renee LaRocca and SFA Program Coordinator Karen Campbell join to discuss developments in SFA’s world, as well as challenges SNAP businesses have faced amid COVID. SFA has been providing opportunities to help these businesses pivot and adapt, which SFA representatives discuss in this forum.
FORUM : Annual Report
In this final forum, SNAP CEO Julie Honekamp and philanthropy manager, Mariah McConnaughey share the successes of the past year through SNAP’s 2019 Annual Impact Report.
As always, thank you for being neighbors by our side.