In 2020, SNAP served a diverse group of neighbors. As we redouble our focus on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, we hope to expand the communities we reach as well. Here is a SNAPshot of the neighbors we served in 2020:

10,513 people of color

294 American Indian or Alaska Native
1,649 Asian or Pacific Islander
865 Black or African-American
582 Spanish, Hispanic, or Latinx
10,977 White/Caucsasian
790 Other/Not Reported

5,480 veterans or people living with disabilities

10,736 children

7,720 seniors 55+

29,380 females

13,931 males

69 other or unknown gender

13,378 families


423 with 8th grade education or below
2,138 high school non-graduates
4,791 high school graduates
2,901 with some post-high school education
53 GED or high school equivalency recipients
1,964 with 2 or 4 years of college
338 with graduate or other advanced degree
541 with unknown education