Supporting charities through the workplace can have far-reaching benefits for both employers and employees. Plus, giving to others can greatly improve company morale by creating a bonding experience.

Download this PDF of 20 ideas for workplace fundraising events–dress-down day, ice cream social, prime parking spot raffle–and you can support SNAP’s efforts while having fun in the process! Here are a few tasty examples: Chili Cook-Off Beans, no beans, Texas style or vegetarian, it seems that everybody believes they have a winning chili recipe. Participants sign up to bring in their best chili and then sell tasting tickets for $1 each – one ticket, one tasting-size bowl of chili. Tasters will vote for their favorite, a winner will be crowned Chili Champion, and SNAP benefits because of it. Cookies & Milk Just like Grandma used to make … if Grandma used frozen dough and a toaster oven. Designate a baker, a milk maid and a delivery person. Slide the dough into the oven, pour some ice cold milk and make your way through the building, selling afternoon snacks – and a taste of nostalgia – for a dollar or two. Pancake Breakfast Don’t griddlecakes on a Friday morning sound scrumptious? Have 3 or 4 employees bring in electric griddles and the goodies, then stack ’em up! Charge a few bucks for a warm, delicious breakfast. If you plan to bring one of these fundraising events to your office, let us know! Email our development manager at