STOP LOSING MONEY AT TAX TIME •    Claim your tax credits •    Get your taxes done for free •    E-file for a quick refund, and no costly instant refund loan ACCESS, in partnership with the CASH Coalition, is working to help low income working families get thousands of dollars in tax credits that they are entitled to and are not claiming.  We are also trying to help them stop losing money on high cost tax preparers and instant refund loans when they can get the same service for free. Claim your Tax Credits : Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) Get up to $4,536 with the EITC, a special benefit for working people!  Who’s eligible for the EITC? Single or married people who worked full or part-time at some point in 2008 can qualify for the EITC, depending on their income. Child Tax Credit : Get up to $1,000 for each qualifying child under age 17 with the Child Tax Credit (CTC). Savers Credit: Get up to $1,000 for contributing to a qualified retirement savings plan! Free Income Tax Preparation: Every year the CASH Coalition, in conjunction with the AARP, provides free tax preparation and e-filing, ensuring that you receive all the tax credits you are entitled to.  Trained and certified volunteers prepare your taxes and file them electronically, so you receive your refund in about a week.  Save up to $250 just on tax preparation fees.  This service is for low income and elderly residents of Spokane County.  Call 211 or go to for a free tax preparation site near you. E-File Your Own Taxes E-file for a Quick Refund! Paid tax preparers make even more money on you when they sell you and “instant refund loan”.  That means they take hundreds of dollars of your refund just so you can have it a few days earlier.  When you e-file, on your own or at a free tax preparation site, you will receive your refund within 5-7 days.  You must have a bank account to e-file, but we can open one for you, even if you’ve been turned down by a bank before.  Click here to learn about getting your own bank account.  Stop paying just to get your own money!You may be able to file your own tax return and still be sure and receive all the tax credits you are entitled to.  Two free sites are available for lower income taxpayers to use: I Can Efile: There is no income limit for using this site.  You can generally use I-CAN!™ E-file unless you own a business, are a church employee or clergy member, sold real estate in 2007 or you or your employer have a non-US address. If you are in the military or you are disabled you may be eligible for tax credits that are not included in I-CAN!™ E-file. 2014 Tax Flyer Days of The Week Did you work in 2013? Make less than $51,567?  Single or married, with or without children, you likely qualify to get your taxes done free. Also, based on your earnings and family situation, you may get extra money back from the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC).