Our Commitment to Our Donors Spokane Neighborhood Action Partners (SNAP) and SNAP Financial Access (SFA) are committed to maintaining donor’s intent and privacy.  This policy applies to all donor information received by SNAP and SFA, both online and offline as well as any electronic, written or oral communications. We use a variety of security technologies, programs, and procedures to help protect your personal information from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure. For example, we store the personal information you provide on computer systems with limited access that are located in controlled facilities. We use a Marketing Automation tool called Pardot. Pardot tracks visitor and prospect activities on our website and on Pardot landing pages by setting cookies on your browsers in order to remember preferences (like form field values) when a visitor returns to our site. What are cookies:  Cookies are created when you use your web browser to visit a website that uses cookies to track data such as: your movements within the website for data analytics, your preferences and other functions. Pardot sets three cookies: visitor, opt in, and Pardot app session. The expiry for all of these cookies is 2 years.  Pardot cookies do not store personally identifying information, they store only a unique identifier.
  1. Visitor Cookie: The visitor cookie includes the name “visitor_id” plus the unique identifier for your account, which is derived from the tracking code placed on the site. The value stored is the unique ID for the visitor. For example, cookie name “visitor_id12345″ stores the visitor value “123456789,” where 12345 is the account identifier and 123456789 represents the visitor ID. This cookie is set by our tracking code on visitors and perspective donors.
  2. Opt In Cookie: The persistent cookie named “pi_opt_in” is what we use to ensure visitors have an option to opt in/out of data tracking. Pardot’s tracking code can respect these headers and does not use cookie-based tracking for any visitors with that setting enabled.
  3. Pardot App Session Cookie: The session cookie named “pardot” is only set if you’re logged into our app as a user (i.e. perspective donors will not have this cookie set).
Pardot sets  Using first-party and third-party cookies together is standard in the marketing automation industry. Pardot cookies do not store personally identifying information, they store only a unique identifier. To the extent any donations are processed through a third party service provider, our donors’ information will only be used for purposes necessary to process the donation.  We will not sell, share or trade our donors’ names or personal information with any other entity.  All requests to remain anonymous shall be honored. Donors who supply SNAP and SFA with their telephone number may occasionally be contacted by telephone regarding donations they have made or campaigns that are occurring. We also utilize mobile technology to send out occasional text message updates and opportunities; unsubscribe options are always included in these messages. Donors who supply SNAP and SFA with their postal address or email address may be contacted periodically for solicitation purposes and/or with information regarding upcoming events. Donors may request to be permanently removed from SNAP and SFA’s mailing list by contacting us via email at fundraising@snapwa.org, phone 509-456-7627, or postal mail at 3102 W. Ft Wright Drive Spokane, WA 99224.